31 Energizing Book Recommendations - See the list!Book 1 | Positive Intelligence by Shirzad Chamine This book is fueled with incredible strategies and exercises to defuse your mental saboteurs so you can power more happiness, fulfillment, and productivity. Book 2 | Mindset: The New Psychology of Success by Carol Dweck A must read about why you need to unplug from fixed mindset and plug into the power of a growth mindset to fuel greater success and transform your life! Book 3 | Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less by Greg McKeown
An energizing book about the power of doing less so you can focus on doing what's better. (It's all about focusing on the big rocks, if you're a 7 Habits fan!)
When I finally snagged my copy of The 5 Second Rule on Audible, I kicked myself for not doing so sooner!
Naturally PositiveAn uplifting blog to: Categories